How To Create Your Home Altar

Pick a private quiet place to have your alter. Use a cloth or covering that is beautiful to you and sacred. Your Altar can be on set up on the corner of your desk or on your bookshelf, you can also use your bedside table.

Creating an altar is a spiritual activity of intention as well as it is a physical endeavor. It is a place to hold your intentions, your destiny story or mapping and the love and connection that you have for spirit. Also if you have a challenging piece that you are presently working through and want direction, put it on the altar. This is your sacred portal that you want to keep active and feed with attention and intention daily.

Begin with objects that represent your connection with spirit and your guides. Adding objects of beauty such as flower and crystals that will feed your altar. A candle and or a bowl of water brings the element of fire and water into the mix.

I may be honoring a member of my family or a part of myself that will also go on the altar. I will speak more later on how to create an “Honoring Altar” (another Blog post).

Sit with your altar every day. You may want to add or take away an item. Take this time to give gratitude to spirit, yourself and to your lineage. As your day unfolds pay attention to signs and messages that come to you. Just allowing yourself to slow down a bit to pay attention to all the signs and answers being sent to you will surprise you.

This is it for now. Enjoy and watch your life begin to change!