Stepping Into Autumn

Autumn Fire Ceremony

The season is changing Monday the 23rd, the Autumnal Equinox.

How can I have the best Autumn ever?

  • We have just finished enjoying our Harvest and now it is time to clear out any remaining obstacles that are in our hearts, bodies and house.
  • It’s time to make space for the new season to begin.
  • First write or draw a list of your harvest: all the things that you are grateful for.
  • Then journal or draw (Mandala meditative art – begin with a large piece of paper, use colored pencils or something similar, draw a large circle then sketch, scribble spontaneously write whatever comes up into the circle) the things that are unfinished or splinters in your side. Continue this process until complete. We will take this to the fire in ceremony.
  • We will be stepping into the element of “air”. Stepping into what inspires us, what feeds our sense of self-worth and our connection with Spirit.
  • Making space for inspiration is about “letting go” of anything old and stale. As the dried fall leaves drop from the trees so will our old ways and old beliefs.

The “East” is the direction of Autumn. This represents:

  • The archetype of the eagle who brings vision, clarity and foresight.
  • The energies of eagle assist us in finding the guiding vision of our lives.
  • The transcending principle in nature begins when we are able to release the old to make space for the new inspiration.
  • Begin a list of what you would like to bring in for the new season. Ask for what you want. Be specific. The veil between the worlds will begin to thin in the last few weeks of October through the end of the year, so this is the time to transcend your mundane issues and be clear on where you are going and what you want.

So now it is time to go to fire:

  • Open sacred space (directions in one of my blogs) plus call the spirit of the land that you are on.
  • Use a burning bowl or make a small fire outside.
  • Burn the page of the journal or your drawing of things to release.
  • Then burn the list of your intentions ( this allows the release to spirit).
  • Take a moment to thank spirit for all of her gifts that you have received.
  • Wash the smoke over yourself-right wisdom, right love, right action.
  • Anything else to release use spirit arrows ( wooden matches), blow into the arrow and then burn.
  • Close directions and give thanks.
  • The ceremony is complete and you are ready to step into the new season with clarity and purpose.