The Art of Conscious Embodiment -- Your Heart Pulse!
10 a.m. to Noon, Sunday, October 23drd
"I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to tap into your own body's "subtle energies" and learn how to nourish them for a heathier life!"
-- Susan
My new Earth Pulse exercises are a great way to release trauma that's stored in the body in about 10 minutes. And, unlike conventional meditations, with Earth Pulse exercises -- you can target the specific area that's causing trouble -- from a sore shoulder to chronic insomnia.
Here's your chance to learn how. Join me at my home at Ponto beach in Carlsbad for a relaxing morning of energy movement that will leave you feeling refreshed, energized, & grounded.
The Art of Conscious Embodiment:
Your Heart Pulse
10am. - Noon
October 23, 2022.
We will learn & experience in a shared, sacred space:
- How your Heart is connected to your Earth Pulse
- How to use your Earth Pulse to increase the energies of Love, Compassion, & Tenderness at your disposal
- How to "root" the Heart and create Peace
- How sensing Gravity in your Body gives you a deep sense of Belonging
- How to use full acceptance of Self, Breath, & Movement (through Sound) to harmonize our Mind, Heart & Gut
I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to tap into your own body's "not-so-subtle" energies and learn how to nourish them for a heathier life!
The price is $85. We have room for 6, so please reserve your space early.
Please call me at (760) 579–9222 if you have any questions!